Welcome to EYFS!

 Our Class Teacher is Mrs Morton 

Our superhero helpers are Mrs Ruane and Mrs Finch. They help us with our learning everyday!

Every Wednesday we welcome all parents and carers into our classroom for our weekly Stay & Read session from 3.00pm until 3.20pm.

We would love to see you!

Our daily routine:

Our morning: 

Phonics, Literacy and Maths

Our afternoon:

Worship and the wider curriculum (Understanding of the world, Expressive arts and design and PSED)

One of the magical skills children will learn to do this year is to read!

We teach reading through daily Phonics lessons and by reading a selection of whole class topic based stories every term. To help your child develop these magical skills we ask that you read everyday for at least 10 minutes at home with your child and help them to practise their phonics sounds daily too.  Children will be heard read in class every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and reading books will be changed on these days. 

In Early Years we are very active and physical learners and we love to develop our knowledge and skills both indoors and outdoors. Outdoor learning will be a huge part of our daily routine so please ensure your child comes to school in suitable footwear and clothing. Children need a warm coat, hat, scarf and gloves to ensure they are ready for all weathers!

Collective Worship in EYFS

Every day we gather together for collective worship we were focus on topics linked to stories in the Bible and reflect on the ways that God wants us to live our lives.

Monday and Tuesday: Whole school collective worship in hall

Wednesday: SInging worship in class or Key Stage worship led by Lorelli.

Thursday: Class worship following Jack in the Box

Friday: Celebration worship. 

Welcome to EYFS!!

Our first half term is flying by and the children are doing an amazing job at settling into their new classroom and new routines. Lots of new friendships are being made and the children are becoming more confident everyday!

So far this half term we have had lots of outdoor learning thanks to the beautiful weather and the children have become more familiar with our outdoor learning activities. 

Autumn 1 Certificate Winners!

Every Friday we celebrate our weeks achievements with a Celebration Assembly where six certificates are awarded to children for their hard work that week. Well done to the children who received a certificate this half term!

With our topic been 'All About Me' this half term, the adults in Reception class have loved finding out all about the children's favourite things. The children have really enjoyed bringing in their favourite toys and stories to share with their new friends!

We have made a fantastic start to our Phonics learning in class and to help strengthen our fingers we have been taking part in a daily dough disco session which the children love. This weeks song has been 'The Hokey Cokey'.  We have not only been learning how to say our new phonemes but also how to write them too. Look at the amazing work our children have produced in week 3 of their school journey!

On Wednesday 20th September we had a 'Come to school as a rock star' day. Look how amazing the children looked!

Our focus texts this half term will be The Little Red Hen, The Gruffalo and The Colour Monster.

In Maths this half term we have done lots of work on sorting and matching. Mrs Morton even asked us to help her with her washing and brought in lots of smelly socks for us to match up and sort. We had lots of fun helping Mrs Morton even if her socks were a little stinky!

We have also been learning about numbers 1,2 and 3 and using different maths equipment to represent the numbers in different ways!

As part or our Understanding of the World topic 'All About Me' we have been learning all about different body parts and our 5 senses. We went on an Autumn walk to use our 5 senses to explore the environment around us. 

We have also enjoyed exploring magnets and how they work. We talked about how something has to be made from the material called metal in order for it to stick (attract) to the magnet.

Our fine motor skills have already started to improve and the children have been working so hard on writing their names and the phonemes we have been learning in Phonics!

We ended our first half term together with an AMAZING visit from a Circus school! The children learnt how to juggle with scarves, how to spin a plate on their finger and stick and how to move ribbons in a creative, magical way! The children loved been able to explore all the circus equipment and showed resilience when things became tricky!

Autumn Two


This half term we have started off by learning about special days in October and November including Bonfire Night,Remembrance Day, Diwali.

Bonfire Night

Children explored why people celebrate Bonfire Night and how they celebrate it. We read lots of stories and watched videos showing people celebrating Bonfire and learnt about about Guy Fawkes. 

The children loved watching the fireworks and seeing all the different colours in the sky.

We had a go at making our own rockets using different materials.

We also did a little experiment where we made a explosion using fizzy pop and mints.

We used 2D shapes to make rockets too.

Remembrance Day

Hedgehog Class will remember them. 

The children have used pictures and stories to understand that on Remembrance day we remember the soldiers who have fought in wars in the past and present and we say thank you to them

The children have learnt about poppies and why they are special and have made a wreath of poppies to display in school. 


The children read stories together to learn about the festival of light also known as Diwali! The children loved learning the story of Rama and Sita and had a go at making their own Diya lamps using clay to welcome the Goddesses into their own homes. 

As part of our superhero topic this half term we have been learning about people who help us in our community.

We have talked about doctors, nurses, fire fighters, police officers and paramedics and learnt about their amazing jobs and how they help us.

Nurse Sam came to visit us in class and shared lots of special equipment she uses to be able to do her amazing job of being a nurse. 

We then explored different emergency vehicles and used our creative skills to make our very own ambulances, police cars and fire engines!

What do you think! We loved them!

Our children loved preparing for Christmas. We welcomed parents in for Christingle making!

Then they were the stars of the show in our Key Stage 1 performance of 'Whoops a Daisy Angel'. The children did an amazing job at singing all the songs and our girls where the sparkling snowflakes in one of the main songs!

We hope you all have a fabulous Christmas filled with love and hope!

We look forward to more adventures when we return in 2024!

Spring 1

Welcome back!

This half term we are learning about lots and lots of different fairy tales in Reception Class. Our topic 'Once upon a time' allows the children to learn some storybook classics and use their imaginations and creative skills in our Drawing Club sessions to create new and exciting characters and adventures. 

Our first focus fairy tale is The Gingerbread Man.

The children have had lots of fun painting the gingerbread man!

Then making gingerbread men. Mrs Morton had to be really careful when getting them out of the oven as the children where worried they would run away!

Just like the fox we ate them up! They were yummy!

Our next focus text was Goldilocks and the three bears!

The children have really enjoyed learning about Goldilocks and her adventures into deep, dark woods and the 3 bears cottage. The children learnt all about different sizes and even made their own porridge so they could taste what Goldilocks tasted in the story. Most children enjoyed it and someone even said it 'was yummy in their tummy'. 

In Drawing Club the children did some super writing describing the main characters from the story and where the story was set.

Our final focus text was The 3 Little Pigs

The children came into school to discover a crime scene in our classroom!

The children all made predictions on who had been into our class and caused such a mess and used lots of interesting vocabulary to describe what they could see!

They then became detective and helped the police try to work out who had been in our school..we are still unsure but most children have been keeping an eye out for the 'Big Bad Wolf'. 

In Maths this half term we have continued learning all about up to 10 with some children beginning to explore our 'teen numbers' and using numicon to represent the value of these numbers. The children did a fantastic job and showing how many tens and ones where in each teen number!

The children have also become builders this half term too. They were given the job of designing and making a new house for the three little pigs to live in. They cut out windows and a door and then used either sticks, bricks or straw to create their new home. 

Our finished houses! What do you think!

We ended the half term by celebrating Chinese New Year. We learnt the Lunar New Year story and the children did an amazing job at remembering all the animals who took part in the race and what order they crossed the river in! 

As this year is the 'Year of the Dragon', the children made their very own Chinese dragons and took part in a dragon dance with their friends. We also made Chinese lanterns to decorate our classroom with!

Happy Chinese New Year!

Spring Two

'Amazing Animals' 


This half term all the children in school had an observational drawing focus of a daffodil. The children in Reception really took their time and looked carefully at all the different parts of a daffodil and had a go at drawing their own. I think you'll agree they did a great job!


The children have absolutely loved learning about lots of different dinosaurs this week. Their favourite dinosaur was a stegosaurus so we all had a go at drawing our stegosaurus to decorate our classroom. 

Lancashire Little Village

Reception children went on their second school trip this half term to Lancashire Little Village. They had so much fun taking on the role of builders, police officers, farmers, hair dressers, post officers, vets, shop keepers, ice cream van people and any other role imaginable. 

Science Day

Science Day was a great day in school where the children visited other classroom to complete science investigations all based around the theme of 'changes in time'. In Reception class we explored what happened when we added food colouring to milk and oil and then we made rainbows using skittles and water. The children were really good at making predictions about what they thought might happen and really liked watching things change when different ingredients were added. 

World Book Week

This year to celebrate world book week we had lots of special visitors come into class to share their favourite stories with us.

Our first visitor was Mrs Underwood who read us the story Albert Le Blanc by Nick Butterworth about a polar bear who was mistaken for being sad when actually he was a happy bear.

Our second visitors were our Gardeners who came and shared a favourite book with their seedlings.

Then Miss Jefferies read us 'Stuck' by Oliver Jeffers.

Next was Mrs Morton with her favourite picture book 'Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson

We had a whole school Stay and Read where parents were invited in to read with their child.Thank you to all the parents who came into class to share a story with their child it was lovely to see so many of you!

Finally we ended the week with a special visit from Mr Morton and Matilda to share their special story 'My book with no pictures' by B.J Novak which the children found hilarious and there are lots of silly words and sounds in it!

This half term our focus artist has been Henri Rousseau. The children spent the first lesson describing pieces of artwork by Henri Rousseau and then they had a go at creating their own interpretations of his art piece 'Tiger in a tropical storm'. The children's artwork is amazing, they were very proud!

As part of our Easter traditions in school, the children all took part in our annual 'Egg Rolling' morning. The children had spent lots of time decorating their eggs and where really excited to see them roll out of the tube!

We have had a super Spring Term and the children continue to grow in confidence and independent in their learning. We hope you have a lovely Easter Holiday and we look forward to welcoming you back for our final term together in Summer. 

Summer One

Marvellous Mini-beasts

This half term we have been working really hard on our creative skills. We have had lots of fun exploring printing and mono-printing.

The children started off by exploring printing using lego, sponges and leaves from our outdoor area. 

After printing, we moved onto mono-printing and the children were fascinated by the way their painting and patterns transformed onto the paper when they transferred it. I like the outcomes were great!

The final prints:

Our artist focus for this half term was Georgie O'Keefe who liked to created bold and colourful drawings of flowers around her. The children looked closely at her designs and then had a go themselves. 

The children have continued to impress us with their writing skills. Alongside our daily English lessons we have continued to practise our 'I can see' sentences as a tool for independent writing. The children have come on so much it is amazing!

The children loved exploring our Bee-bot robots and used their knowledge of directions to help the robots move around the mats and mazes. 


These are all the amazing things we will be learning about this year. 

EYFS Curriculum map 23/24

Updated: 20/09/2023 107 KB