Welcome to Year 1 Woodpeckers!
Our class teachers are Mrs Walsh and Mrs Hollas. We are supported in class every morning by Miss Watson.
We are expected to read, at home, three times a week and books will be changed at least every Friday.
In the morning we have:
Phonics, Guided Reading, Literacy and Maths.
In the afternoon after Worship, our lessons are based on the wider curriculum which includes:
Science, Art, DT, PE, History, Geography, PSHE, Music and RE. Junior Jam teach Computing on a Thursday afternoon. We also have an outdooor area where we can continue our learning.
Our PE lessons take place on a Wednesday afternoon. Children are expected to wear a full PE kit, including pumps. If your child wears earrings please remove these in the morning before school.
Homework can be found on our Google Classroom, every Friday and is expected to be returned the following Wednesday.
Our curriculum map for 2024 - 2025 can be found below:
Year 1 2024-25 Curriculum Map
We started the year off by revisiting the Vine which winds it way throughout school.
We remembered our 5 loving statements and even came up with our own actions to help us remember them.
Our Learning Journey:
Spring 1
This term we have lots of exciting learning ahead. In Literacy our focus text is Lost and Found. We will be learning the story and then creating our own version of it. We then will continue with the penguin theme and create a non-chronological report.
In RE we are going to be focusing on what made Jesus special and all about his power and divine nature.
In science our focus is Living things and their habitats, where we will be learning all about seasonal changes.
In geography we will be learning about our locality and the area around us. During this topic we will be heading out on a locality walk.
Our learning in art will be looking at painting and colour. We will be learning to paint with control and painting with expression.
Autumn 2
This term we have been very busy with our learning. We had a very exciting Interfaith Week. We went to visit a local Mosque, where we learnt all about how Muslims worship. We also had Lorelli come into school to do a Christian prayer workshop with us! We really enjoyed seeing what was similar and different!
In Literacy our focus text was 'Supertato' by Sue Hendra. We loved learning this story and trying to think of our own ways to trap Evil Pea! We wrote some instructions on how to create a sandwich in order to prevent Evil Pea from causing any more mischief. We then re-wrote the story with our own Superhero saving the day. Our final task was to write a Christmas version of the story with the 'Evil Mince Pie'.
In Maths the topics we have been learning are: sequencing and sorting, fractions, capacity and volume, money and time. We loved being able to use practical methods to show our learning.
In geography we have been learning all about the weather and seasons. We enjoyed comparing the differences between the weathers and looking at the different clothing we need to wear for each season!
In art we had lots of fun creating abstract pieces using shapes and colours and using our skills to create our Christmas cards.
Autumn 1
We started off our time in Year 1 by looking at our British Values. We practised democracy by voting for our house captain and looking at how we are all individuals and that it is OK to have different opinions and views. In PSHE we learnt about how to keep ourselves safe when out and about and online. We learnt about strategies we can use when what we get angry.
In Maths we will be looking at number and place value, addition and subtraction, measurement (length and mass/weight) and geometry.
Our text in Literacy this term is The Enormous Turnip. We will learn the story by heart and use it to write our own versions.
We also looked at recounts had a go at writing our own recount about our trip to Blackburn Museum.
Our RE work has been all about Harvest and how we can help those who do not have a good harvest.
In Science this term, we investigated plants. We will became scientists and looked really closely at plants and had a go at growing our own plants.
In History we will be found out all about Toys. We will looked at toys from the present and from the past and went on a very exciting trip to Blackburn Museum and got to play with toys from the past.
Each week we award up to 5 certificates to children that have really shown an improvement or a great attitude to learning in Reading, Writing, Maths, our Christian Value of Love and to someone who has been a Behaviour Buddy.