2023 Academy Results 

Information regarding 2023 Academy results can be found by following this link to the school and college performance data government webpages.  https://www.gov.uk/school-performance-tables


2023 Academy Results  - a snapshot 

Year 6 data (end of Key Stage 2) can be found using the link above but here are the headlines:

Progress in reading, writing and maths were all in the average range and above 0. 

Readng +1.72  National progress was +0.04

   Writing +0.13 National progress was +0.04

 Maths +2.28  National progress was +0.04

This tells us that our children have made better than expected progress from their Key Stage 1 outcomes and have done better than the national average. 


In Year 4, all children undertake an on-line Multilication Check. Our children did really well and scored higher than other children nationally or locally.