Welcome to Year 3. We are also known as the Owl's Class. 

Our teacher is Miss Travis.

We are supported by Miss Fenwick.

Our PE day is Monday. Please make sure that your child brings their PE kit, including pumps on that day. This can be kept in the cloakroom.

If your child has pierced ears, please remove the earrings before school on the morning of PE or tape should be used to cover the piercings. 

Fitness Friday is every Friday morning so trainers can be worn to school on that day. 

Water bottles need to be brought into school each day, they should be taken home and cleaned each night. 

Reading books need to be brought into school each day as the children will be read to multiple times per week. Reading books will be changed on Tuesday each week. As long as their Home Reading Journal has been signed three times by an adult at home and they have finished the book then they can choose another one. 

If you have opted in to homework, then this can be found each Friday on the Year 3 Google Classroom. This needs to be completed and submitted by the following Friday. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to come and speak to us. 

A typical morning in Year 3 - 

SHINE, Phonics/Spelling, Guided Reading, Maths and Literacy. 

In the afternoon - 

Worship, Fluency/Handwriting and Wider Curriculum (Art, PE, Science, French, History, Geography, PSHE, RE, and DT). 

Growth Mindset

In Year 3, we love our children to be independent learners. We have talked about what it means to have a Growth Mindset and understand the power of 'Yet.' We know that learning may be tricky and that we can't always do things - yet! If we keep trying and practising our skills we will continue to make super progress.  We know this works by the number of house points and certificates that we achieve. This is something we always have in our minds as we strive to be the best we can be.

Child-led Class Worship

Every half term, three children are chosen to be on the worship team. Every other Wednesday, these children plan a worship to deliver to the class. Any thoughts, feelings or points to remember are recorded in the class worship book that belongs on our reflection area.  

Our Learning Journey

Take a look at our curriculum map below which details what we learn in each subject over the course of the year. Keep an eye out for pictures and information showing our learning.  

Y3 24/25 Curric Map

Updated: 09/09/2024 93 KB

Autumn Term

In Geography last term we have learnt about Europe. We looked more in depth at the countries which make up Europe, their capital cities and the human and physical features of those places. 

In Science learnt about Animals including Humans. In this unit of work, we learnt about where animals get their nutrition from and what is essential for them. We also discussed the importance of the skeleton and the role of muscles.

Spring Term

In Literacy we will be reading The Iron Man by Ted Hughes! During this unit of work, we will be exploring what makes an interesting story opening, the importance of character descriptions and how to hook the reader. All of our hard work will lead to us writing our own novel.

In History this half term we will be learning about the Ancient Egyptians. We will look more in depth at a range of aspects including pyramids, the afterlife, gods and pharaohs. We look forward to becoming inquisitive historians and using inference to figure out who the victims of tomb robbers are! 

In PE we will be focussing on dance, we will create cheerleading positions leading up to performing solo, partner and whole class performances! 


Keep an eye out for updates and pictures!