Welcome to Year 4 Otters!

The class teacher is Miss Abrahams and we are very lucky to be supported every morning by Miss Wintersgill!

We are expected to read, at home, three times a week and books will be changed when children have finished them. Children are expected to bring their reading packs in to school every day.

Homework will be sent through our Google classroom, every Friday and will be expected to be returned by the following Wednesday.

In Year 4, we will be carrying out the Multiplication Check. This is a test, towards the end of the year, that challenges children by setting them numerous times tables questions. In Otters class, we are practising hard for this by learning a new set of tables each week and practising on Times Tables Rockstars each day. We would love it if this part of our learning journey could be continued at home! The login page can be found using the link below and all children’s login details can be found in the back of their home reading journal.


Our Daily Routine:

In the morning we have:

Spelling, Guided Reading, Literacy and Maths

In the afternoon we have: 

Worship and Wider Curriculum (Science, Art, DT, French, History, Geography, PSHE and RE)

Our PE lessons will be on a Tuesday afternoons. Please ensure that full PE kits are in school on this day and that all jewellery has been removed, including earrings.

On Thursday mornings, we have Junior Jam to help us with our learning. In Junior Jam we do Computing. On Thursday mornings in the second half of the Spring term, we will be going swimming. 

Child-led Class Worship

Every half term, three children are chosen to be on the worship team. Every other Wednesday, these children plan a worship to deliver to the class the next day. Any thoughts, feelings or points to remember are recorded in the class worship book that belongs in the reflection area.

We love to see what you have been up to outside of school. If you have received any achievements in your out of school activities, please feel free to bring them in for our celebration assembly on a Friday!

Year 4 Curriculum Map 24/25

Updated: 09/09/2024 90 KB

Our Learning Journey: