Key information

Miss Thompson is the class teacher, who has Ms Ali as the teaching assistant.  As your child moves into Upper Key Stage 2, we look forward to developing their independence, confidence and love of learning.

In the morning we have:

Spelling, Maths, Guided Reading and Literacy.

In the afternoon we have:

Worship, Wider Curriculum (Science, Art, DT, French, History, Geography, PSHE or RE) 

RE is taught every Tuesday afternoon.

On Thursday mornings, we have Junior Jam to help us with our learning. In Junior Jam, we do Computing, PE and Music.


Reading with children is a pivotal part of their learning journey and it helps to grow their vocabulary and understanding of the world. We take 20 minutes every day to teach Guided Reading in class and the children choose a book from the book corner to read for 10 minutes after lunch.

We also give the children the exciting opportunity to choose any book that they would like to read from the KS2 library. Our library slot is every Tuesday lunch time and the children can take their library book home.

The children also take home a reading book and have the opportunity to change their reading book throughout the week. These are to be brought in to school each day and their reading record signed every week. Even though your child may want to read to themselves, we would be grateful if you could hear them read aloud and for you to ask them questions about what they have read. 

Child-led Class Worship

Every half term, three children are chosen to be on the worship team. Every other Wednesday, these children plan a worship to deliver to the class the next day. Any thoughts, feelings or points to remember is recorded in the class worship book that belongs on our reflection area. 


For those of us who have opted in to homework, this is set on google classroom every Friday, to be completed by the following Thursday.


Our PE lessons are on Thursday afternoons. Full PE kits should be in school at all times. Earrings should be removed or covered with tape for PE lessons. 

Fitness Friday is every Friday morning, so children can wear trainers instead of school shoes on this day. 

Water Bottles 

Children should bring a water bottle to school everyday. Bottles should go home and be cleaned each night. 

We love to see what you have been up to outside of school. If you have received any achievements in or out of school, please don not hesitate to bring them into school for celebration assembly on Friday!

Year 5 Curriculum Map 2023/24

Updated: 20/09/2023 131 KB

Our Learning Journey 

Autumn term

The year 5 class had a fantastic start to the year, remembering key aspects of our British Values and PSHE, including goals for growth and safety. We are ready to apply our strong growth mindsets to the rest of our learning this year. 

The children enjoyed reading The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and wrote some amazing versions of their own narrative. They remembered their trip to the theatre which inspired them and in Autumn 2, they were immersed into Legends, such as The Giant's Causeway, Llywellyn and Gelert and George and The Dragon. The Year 5 class also explored Gawthorpe Hall and persuaded an audience to visit, using inspiration from the Disney Land Paris adverts. 

In our topic, the children have learned about Living Things and Their Habitats, Animals including humans and climate zones. The children enjoyed inviting their parents in to show them their abilities in labelling all areas of a world map, including lines of latitude and climates. 



This Spring term, the children have been focussing on science fiction stories in literacy. They have explored a range of vocabulary which linked well with our Earth and Space topic. They enjoyed the visit from an astronomer and spent a morning in a mobile planetarium. The children have explored how Jesus was a teacher and delivered a superb class assembly to the rest of the school, based on the the parable of The Good Samaritan. The children also designed, made and evaluated their own automata, with a space themed toy rotating on the top. 

As well as making excellent progress in so many areas of maths, the children have been learning about Ancient Greece and how they have influenced our lives today. We have ended the half term with a focus on children's mental health and internet safety.