Welcome To Badger Class
Miss Thompson and Miss Earnshaw are the staff who support learning in Year 6.
Important Information
PE -
Our PE lesson are on Tuesday. PE kits should be in school at all times. Earrings must be removed or covered with tape for PE lessons.
Water Bottles -
Children should bring a water bottle to school everyday. Bottles should go home and be cleaned each night.
Homework -
In Year 6 children take responsibility for their own homework. Each child has a reading record. These need to be in school every day and signed at least three times per week. This will be checked every morning at the start of the day. In addition, homework for Year 6 children during Autumn 1 term is set on Google classroom each Friday. If the child has opted in, this needs to be completed for the following Thursday. From Autumn 2, each child will receive a set of homework books to support preparation for the KS2 SATS: information about this is shared at our parents evening in Autumn term and via a letter sent home via email.
Library -
In addition to homework, children can choose to visit the school library once per week to select a book of their choice. We also have a class library which children can choose books from throughout the week.
We love to see what you have been up to outside of school. If you have received any achievements in your out of school activities, please feel free to bring them in for our celebration assembly on a Friday!
In the morning we have:
Spelling, Maths, Guided Reading and Literacy
In the afternoon we have:
Worship and Wider Curriculum (Science, Art, DT, French, History, Geography, PSHE, PE, Music and RE)
On Thursday afternoons, we have Junior Jam to help us with our learning. In Junior Jam we do Computing. You can see what we learn about in our curriculum map below.
Year 6 Curriculum Map 2024/25
Worship is integral to our daily lives at Great Marsden St John's. There are three worship monitors in the class and these children lead in-class worship once per fortnight using articles from Picture News. They are all trained in delivering worship, ensure everybody gets the chance to share their ideas and give out certificates to individuals who make outstanding contributions. These children are also responsibility for taking care of the class reflection area. The worship monitors change every half term.
Autumn Term
It has been a fantastic first few weeks in Year 6. To begin with, we focussed on developing our growth mindset, thinking about British Values and taking part in the House Captain elections. We wrote and gave speeches which highlighted all the skills which make us perfect for the role.
We have enjoyed getting to know our Reception "seedlings". We have helped them out at lunchtimes and created self-portraits together.
In class, our learning in English has focussed around Ross McKenzie's The Nowhere Emporium where we have used drama, art and discussion to explore the setting and characters portrayed in the text. In Science we are exploring classification and in Geography we have been learning about earthquakes and volcanoes. The children have shown to be inquisitive learners by coming up with questions and researching them at home to share with the class.
The children enjoyed their visit to the Sikh Gurdwara for Interfaith Week and showed lots of curiosity when visiting the local textile museum of Queen Street Mill. Their favourite part of this visit was learning what it was like as a child during the Victorian era.