Traffic Light Letters
Each term your child will receive a letter regarding their attendance.
Green = 96+% attendance
Amber = 90 – 95.9% attendance
Red = 89.9% or less.
100% Attendance
If your child gets 100% attendance in a year, they will receive an award at the end of the year.
Well done to all those children who got 100% attendance last year – what a fantastic achievement!
Class Attendance Winners
Each week the class with the best attendance wins a £5.00 note. These are collected over the year and can then be spent on something for the children to take up with them to their next class!
Last year some of the classes bought pencil cases and books.
Some of the money also goes towards an end of year party!
If you are wondering how your class is doing, check the display in the corridor by the office.
The weekly winning class will be put on the newsletter.
Attendance Support
It is important your child is in school to continue with their learning whenever possible. If you feel your child would be able to remain in school with the administration of paracetamol, this is something we can provide with your permission. Simply complete a form at the office in order to authorise this. We will of course let you know if your child becomes too unwell to ramin in school.
If your child is suffering from regular bouts of illness and you would like further support, please contact school.