“If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday.” – Pearl Buck (writer)
At GMSJ History learning goes beyond the learning of dates, events and people. We aim to help our children be inquisitive, curious detectives that seek to uncover the past by looking at clues people have left behind.
The areas of History we investigate at Great Marsden have been selected from the National Curriculum with an eye on our local context. Our children find out about their local history when they examine Remembrance in Year 2 and again in Year 5 when they find out why our school houses are so named. We have also chosen to examine Islamic Civilisations in Year 6.
We have tried to ensure that the diet we offer is robust, enabling the children to look at the history of men, women, children, rich and poor, whilst acknowledging the significant impact of the past upon the present.
Key historical figures such as Mary Seacole, Tutankhamun, Emperor Claudius and Winston Churchill are studied next to the experiences of ordinary people.